Solution on insufficient output after retrofit of medium speed pulverizer in 300 MW unit DISCUSSION ON INSUFFICIENT PERFORMANCE OF FGD WET BALL MILL 300MW机组锅炉中速磨煤机改造后出力不足问题的解决关于脱硫用石灰石湿式球磨机出力不足问题的探讨
An output unit that directly produces a hard copy record of data on a removable medium, in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation. 一种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示方式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。
The IMF authors estimate that after a financial crisis output remains 10 per cent below its previous trend in the medium term, which it defines as seven years. imf作者估计,金融危机过后,中期(定义为7年)产出仍然比危机前的趋势线低10%。
Investigation on Load Distribution and Output Optimization of Two Stand Medium Plate Mill 中厚板轧机双机架负荷平衡和产能优化研究
An index for storage output should accommodate the fact that small, medium and large parts may require different types of storage and handling equipment. 储存输出量的参数应该与小、中、大零件可能要求不同类型的仓储和搬运处理设备的事实相符合。
It is only limited consolation that, according to the IMF, economies that apply countercyclical fiscal and monetary stimulus in the short run to cushion the downturn after a crisis tend to have smaller output losses over the medium term. IMF表示:短期内运用反周期财政和货币刺激政策应对危机后低迷状况的国家,往往中期内的产出损失比较小。
Research and Testing on Output Calculation Method of MPS 、 RP E Types Medium Speed Coal Mills MPS、RP、E型中速磨煤机出力计算方法的试验研究
Tapping the output potential of large and medium sized opencast iron mines in China 我国大中型露天铁矿增产途径刍议
However, the marriage between advertising and commercial television has also brought deep changes to the traditional patterns of the programme output and development of this medium. 然而,广告与商业电视的联姻同时也给节目播出的传统形式以及电视本身的发展带来了深刻的变化。人们担忧的最主要的问题是,日益增强的广告的势力会不会左右电视节目的播出。
Research on output of medium-speed mills and fan mills 大机组中速磨煤机与风扇磨煤机出力问题研究
In order to improve the comprehensive properties of rolled steel, increase output and productivity, controlled cooling technology was introduced by medium plate mill of Jinan Iron& Steel company. 为了改善钢材的综合性能,提高产量和生产率,济南钢铁公司中板厂在实际生产中引进了控制冷却技术。
Accurate measurement and effective control of the output medium temperature are important conditions of high quality and production, energy-saving, and safety in the process control system of heat exchangers. 在换热器系统中,其出口介质温度的准确地测量和有效控制是优质、高产、节能和安全生产的重要条件。
In the same time, the practical calculation is carried out in respect to a high output medium speed diesel engine using this method. 同时,应用这种方法,对某一中速大功率柴油机进行了实例优化计算。
Output Buffer Circuits for Medium or Small Size TFT-LCD Driver IC 中小屏幕TFT-LCD驱动芯片的输出缓冲电路
This paper presents a late-model thermally-stabilized cavity made up of a diode pump source, a HR reflector, an output mirror, a solid laser medium, a locomotive compensated lens and the motion control equipment. 一种新型的热稳腔,由半导体激光泵浦源、全反射镜、固体激光介质、x向位置可移动的补偿透镜、输出镜及x向移动控制装置组成。
The Utilization of Water Quantity and Analysis on Power Output for Large or Medium Hydraulic Power Stations in Northeast China 东北大中型水电站水量利用及发电量分析
Numerical simulation also shows that shorter output pulse duration can be obtained, while medium gain is higher and phonon lifetime is shorter. 数值模拟还发现在介质的增益系数更大、声子寿命更短的情况下,输出激光脉冲的脉宽可以压缩得更窄。
An optimal predictor based on the proposed model is constructed, which contains not only the input and output, but also the medium measurements in the system. 在这种模型的基础上,作者构造了充分利用测量信息的预估算法。
Against the need of determination generator units 'output on medium term and long-term voltage stability analysis, a steady-state control power flow algorithm is presented considering active power-frequency and reactive power-voltage static characteristic of generator units. 针对中、长期电压稳定分析中需要确定发电机组出力的问题,提出了一种计及发电机组有功-频率静态特性和无功-电压静态特性的稳态控制潮流算法。
Some problems such as several absorption bands of ( F2+) H color center, the relation between color center laser output and laser medium, as well as auxiliary light have been discussed in this paper. 探讨了(F2~+)H心的几个吸收带,激光输出与工作介质和辅助光的关系等问题。
Especially, the influences of pumping and oscillating spot size to output power and laser threshold with different gain medium are deduced. 通过数值计算了泵浦光斑和振荡光斑大小对输出功率和振荡阈值功率的影响,并与Nd:YVO4和Nd:YAG晶体进行了比较。
Increase the output of extraction and purification of recombined adenovirus DNA from medium with dialysis 透析浓缩法提取与纯化重组腺病毒DNA
Scientific paper is an important form of the scientific technological research activities 'output, is an important medium of promote the modern science technology transform into practical productive forces. 科技论文是科学技术研究活动产出的一种重要形式,是促进现代科学技术转化为现实生产力的重要媒介。
The output characteristic of an erbium-doped fiber laser without FWM medium is analyzed, on condition of different structure parameters. 对没有四波混频介质的掺铒光纤激光器在不同结构参数下的输出特性进行了分析。
High speed pulse output of the small and medium type of PLC has a wide application in some aspects, such as the orientation control, in the motion control system. 中小型PLC的高速脉冲输出在运动控制系统的定位控制等方面也有着广阔的应用前景。
There is an obvious phenomenon of excessive labor input of backyard mode and its output elasticity is negative, while the output elasticity of labor of the small-scale, medium and large-scale breeding modes are small, volume maintained at a moderate level. 散养模式下存在着明显的劳动力投入过量的现象,其产出弹性为负值,而小规模、中规模和大规模养殖模式下的劳动力产出弹性都较小,投入量维持在适度的水平。
Film industry in china may utilize copyright exchange and exploit content resources to output what is seen and heard for audience confronted to different medium. 电影业可利用自己电影内容资源,积极开发适于不同媒介形式的视听产品。